So it’s that time again. Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up.
Instead of running July and August like last year, it’ll be running June and August. I guess a month break in between since it was crazy when they suddenly went from July to August and a lot of people struggled with trying to confirm their word count.
I do have a story in mind. I already titled the story as “The Bookmark”. I am really working with a very basic idea. The main character finds herself in a fantasy world with thanks to a bookmark. That’s all I got so far story-wise. I did work on the world layout by making a quick sketch of what the world is like.
I think that my enthusiasm for participating in NNWM is sort of at a low point. Instead of it being something I look forward to, I find myself just not being able to focus on any story for more than a couple seconds. This makes it really difficult to develop characters and the like. It could be because summer is about to be in full swing. But I’m a true pantser. I might be able to wring out yet another story and meet the 50,000 word goal at the end of the month.