300 Words Per Day

Written by: on Thursday, May 12th, 2011

I probably should have written about this on the 1st but I wasn’t sure I’d follow through on it. I felt like I was starting to stagnate in the writing department and I figured that since May is six months down the road after NaNoWriMo, I could always try something more fun. So on the first of May, I decided that I should write 300 words or more per day. It wouldn’t be stressful and I could try to write some silly fun story just to give my imagination an exercise.

I haven’t missed a day yet. I also don’t limit myself to just 300. Just when I get stuck, I check word count and I always hit 350+ words. I shut Word down after because there’s no need to stress myself into thinking of what happens next on that day. hehe. I’ve been writing a fun story about Captain Leguile’s first mate going on some adventure in Eidolon. I haven’t thought far ahead at all and I’m just basically making stuff up as I go along.

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