
I created Fantasy Gathering in 1999 as a Yahoo! Club (Visit the current Yahoo! Group here.). I remember logging into Yahoo and saw a notice about clubs and figured it’d be fun to try and create one. My friends and I used the club like there was no tomorrow! When Yahoo started lagging shortly later, I created FG on TheGlobe and that was fun for a while until they changed their format and we went back to Yahoo.

Before I knew it, we were spawning so many clubs for our locations that Yahoo! eventually took notice and gave me my own Club category out of the blue. (Top > Games > Role Playing Games > Club-Based > Fantasy Gathering ) Man, that was a proud, proud, proud day! We just couldn’t believe that we made that much of an impact.

Besides Yahoo, FG was also on various other sites such as Tripod’s message boards, Lycos Clubs, Delphi forums, TheGlobe, ezBoard, and whatever else I’m missing…

Fantasy Gathering can be found at two locations. The original at Yahoo! Group (Click!) or Yuku (Click!)

As for the .com, It’s pretty much starting to become a personal webpage for me. It’s hard because I still can’t get off the “It’s for everyone.” motto… I figured the best route was to set up a blog and try to add stuff to it. We’ll see if it goes anywhere.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. avatar Salitar says:

    Man, I remember when Fantasy Gathering was just Fantasy, and it was just a Geocities chat room. That seems so long ago now. I take it this site is still run and updated by Gem? Long time, no see. Wonder if anyone would even remember me!

    • avatar FG Admin says:

      Hi Sal. 🙂 I remember you. Your character was a time-traveling overgrown elf, right? Yup, I still run the site. After networking sites came out and everyone moved on, I had to adapt the site for personal use. The old site can still be found HERE. Hope you’re doing awesome these days!

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