The Hunger Games


Daily Prompt: Bookworm Tell us about the last book you read (Why did you choose it? Would you recommend it?). To go further, write a post based on its subject matter. I almost answered “The Casual Vacancy” by JK Rowling but I’m still trying to make my way through that book. The last book I […]

My bedroom never had a book


Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now? You know, I think I am one of those rare kids that never went near a book. My parents never read a book to me (that I can recall), I never went to the library […]

Peace, please.


Daily Prompt: INTJ Do parties and crowds fill you with energy, or send you scurrying for peace and quiet? Energy? Parties fill me with dread and anxiety. Heck, even holidays do the same. Any time people must gather together, I withdraw pretty quickly. I’ve never been big on parties except for birthday parties. I loved […]

This is the tale of two cats and three dogs


Daily Prompt: Menagerie Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to? I had no idea the Daily Post started posting daily prompts again. I’m going to have to start checking back to see if there’s any questions I could answer. […]