The Stuff (1985)

Written by: on Thursday, March 1st, 2012

One of the neat things about having a hoard of junk (It’s not like I can have a hoard of gold and jewels like other dragons) is that once in a while, you’ll find something nifty out of the blue if you should go digging around in it.

THE STUFF was one of those unusual 80’s films. It starts with two men who see something bubbling out of the ground and for some reason, one of them crouches down and tastes it. After he says it tastes good, he immediately suggests that they market it. Once it hits the store shelves, it’s insanely popular.

The movie follows several characters, especially a boy who has to deal with his family going strange. It gets to the point where all there is in the fridge is THE STUFF. It’s all they eat. It’s all they talk about. Fun little movie!

2 Responses to “The Stuff (1985)”

  1. avatar Eddie says:

    “The Stuff” is one of the craziest horror flicks of the 80’s. I say that if any new horror movie making guys ever watch this film should think about come up a couple new concepts to make several of crazy sequels to this horror flick…”THE STUFF.” Maybe new horror film directors and producers should even do little bit a few mixed up about this horror movie between the (1985) “THE STUFF” and the John Carpenter’s (1982) “THE THING” by maybe they should do almost hundreds of practical body bulging Special Makeup Effects and do thirty Special Makeup Effects. Hopefully hundreds of new horror movie producers will soon make thousands of new cheesy special makeup effects horror movies and special monster effects horror movies.

  2. avatar Eddie says:

    Like I said, the new horror movie producers should make at least several to ten sequels about “The Stuff.” Only they should do fourteen to fifthteen more body bulging stuff mutation makeup SFX just like in the scene where Charlie’s throat bulges all the white monstrous cream stuff out of his body.

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