Camp NaNoWriMo Winner


Official Word Count: 50,001 I am just as surprised as you are. I really, really am. After chatting all day with my good friend, the topic of NNWM came up and I told her a few times that I was not going to finish it. I couldn’t. The most I ever wrote in one day […]

Halfway Through


All right! I am halfway through! Racked up 25,719 words as of today. The story is still hidden from me. I’m not sure if I have a whole lot more to discover or if I’ll abruptly come to the very end… but I sort of see the story. Kind of. I mean… It’s unfolding. Everything […]

Where are you going?


Eleventh day. I have WORD open. I have about two hundred words typed out so far. I’m doing good. I got 17,201 words all counted out from my ‘Day 1’ to ‘Day 10’ files (I like to open a new word doc for every day to make sure I’m meeting my daily goal). I’m not […]

This is the true story of six strangers picked to live in a cabin…


Looks like Camp NaNoWriMo‘s ‘cabin’ feature is happening. They say the bots are running so not everyone is in a cabin yet. I checked. Low and behold, I saw “Messageboard”. I visited and saw the others that I was put in a cabin with. I crossed their names and novels out for privacy, of course. […]

Camp NaNoWriMo


So Camp NaNoWriMo has started today for the month of August and of course I decided to give it a try which meant I’ve spent the past few hours staring at Word while trying to figure out what happens. It’s more difficult this time around. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this but for NNWM […]

What would you like 200 more of?


The Daily Post asks: In honor of reaching topic #200, what in your life would want to have 200 more of? Some people say they want to live longer, but would you really want to live for another 200 years? Others claim they want to be smarter, but how would you get along with your […]

Camp NaNoWriMo


I passed through NaNoWriMo and made the discovery that some ‘camp’ version had opened up. Camp NaNoWriMo. Upon reading that my NNWM log-in is already there, I logged in and looked around. From what it appears, it has the same goal as NNWM except it happens in July and August. July seems to be a […]

Working on the book.


Around last Saturday, I decided that I had to finally confront the whole thing with CreateSpace. The codes they gave to NaNoWriMo 2010 winners expires at the end of June and after I read a couple threads on CreateSpace’s forums, I discovered that some people had their book rejected several times over because it wasn’t […]

And NaNoWriMo 2010 comes to an end.


And so comes the last day of NaNoWriMo. My final wordcount is 56,011. It’s amazing to have met my daily 1,667 word goal and light up all the days of the little calendar with green boxes. I ended the story and I would say that it went okay. I will say that halfway through the […]

50,000 words written…


Yay!!! I wrote more than 50,000 words! Big ol’ cheers! Woohoo!!! My profile now sports a purple bar that proudly says “Winner!”. Gotta love it! Not done with the story yet. I still have to meet my daily 1,667 word goal for the next three days and I just hope I have enough story to […]